Unlock the true potential
of technology

Being on top of technological advancements is essential for maintaining competitiveness and satisfying changing client expectations in the fast-paced world of the financial sector. Yet, integrating new technological solutions with existing architecture can present compatibility and interoperability challenges.

Our insights

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RPA and RDA in Finance: Enhancing Automation Efficiency

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the financial sector is under immense pressure to optimize operational efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver superior client service. Organizations are increasingly turning to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA) technologies to meet these demands. These automation tools have revolutionized the way businesses operate by automating repetitive tasks, […]
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Trends in Belgian household wealth and investments

According to Credit Suisse’s latest Global Wealth Report, unveiled last August, Belgians are the richest people in the world…This analysis is based on the median wealth of Belgian households, which according to their sources reached USD 249,940 in 2022. This explains why many foreign banks are keen to have a geographical footprint in Belgium, or […]
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Elevating Private Banking: Embracing Client Experience in the Digital Age

In order to stay relevant in Today’s market, financial institutions should consider Client Experience as one of their priorities. As recently reported by Forbes, Gen Z is less satisfied with current Customer Experiences, with just 50% satisfaction compared to 71-72% for previous generations. This data represents one of the challenges that financial institutions too should […]
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Excellence in Technology Integration

At DynaFin Consulting, we specialize in enabling financial institutions to unlock the true potential of technology through our expertise in technological solutions integration. Success requires collaboration. Leverage our extensive team of trusted technology experts to ensure that your organization has access to the most innovative solutions, tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Excellence in Technological Solution Delivery for the Financial Sector

We excel in the delivery of technological solutions for the financial sector, from Core Banking or Insurance Renewal to solutions addressing specific needs. With a deep understanding of industry challenges and trends, we streamline the delivery process to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. From solution design to implementation and roll-out, we ensure that your organization experiences a seamless transition to the new technological solution.

Smooth Project Execution for Successful Outcomes

Our skilled project delivery professionals work closely with your team to ensure that projects are executed smoothly. Our goal is to minimize disruptions, optimize resource allocation, and deliver successful outcomes for your organization.

Facilitating User Adoption Through Change Management

We know that user adoption is a common challenge when adopting new technological solutions. Our change management experts work alongside your team to facilitate a smooth transition, ensuring that all stakeholders are engaged and prepared for the transformation. Through comprehensive training, communication strategies, and organizational alignment, we ensure that your employees embrace the change and leverage the new solutions to drive business growth.

Holistic Approach to Technological Solution Integration

We believe in taking a holistic approach to technological solution integration. Our enterprise modeling experts analyze your organization's structure, processes, and systems to develop a comprehensive understanding of your operations. By aligning technology solutions with your enterprise model, we optimize efficiency, streamline processes, and enhance overall performance. 

Holistic approach in IT Project Delivery

We empower financial institutions to succeed their transformation and unlock new levels of success. With our expertise in IT project delivery, we are well-equipped to guide your organization through the intricacies of technological solution integration.

Want to know more?

Meet our expert!

Christophe Wauthier


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Use cases

Implementation of a portfolio management system for an Asset Manager

An Asset Manager has decided to offer its funds directly to Retail customers. To support this new service, it needs to deploy a portfolio management tool for client profiling, portfolio allocation, and reporting.

DynaFin's Expertise in Solution Integration

Implementation of a portfolio management system for an Asset Manager


An Asset Manager has decided to offer its funds directly to Retail customers. To support this new service, it needs to deploy a portfolio management tool for client profiling, portfolio allocation, and reporting. The Asset Manager has hired DynaFin to assist with the implementation and roll-out process.

DynaFin's Strategic Intervention

DynaFin provided comprehensive support in the implementation and roll-out of the new portfolio management system. Their intervention encompassed the following key activities:

Definition of the business requirements

DynaFin collaborated closely with all parties to identify and define the specific needs, in line with the objectives and regulatory guidelines.

Stakeholder management

DynaFin effectively liaised with internal and external stakeholders, fostering collaboration and coordination for the development and integration of the portfolio management system.

Coordination of testing, defect documentation, and resolution

Change management

DynaFin supported the Asset Manager in managing the organizational change brought about by the new system. They provided guidance, training, and communication strategies to ensure all internal resources can use the new system effectively.

Project management

DynaFin assumed overall project management responsibilities, monitoring progress, and managing risks and issues.


Thanks to DynaFin's dedicated intervention, the Asset Manager successfully implemented the portfolio management system. The system met the defined business requirements, seamlessly integrated with internal and external stakeholders. The implemented system allowed for efficient client profiling, portfolio allocation, and reporting, empowering the Asset Manager to enhance their services and meet customer needs effectively.


Migration to a New Banking System

A Tier-2 bank that provides both retail and corporate customers with a wide range of banking products and services has made the decision to switch to a new core banking system.

DynaFin's Expertise in Solution Integration

Migration to a New Banking System


A Tier-2 bank that provides both retail and corporate customers with a wide range of banking products and services has made the decision to switch to a new core banking system. The current in-house system was technologically outdated and the people responsible for maintaining it were nearing retirement age.

The bank has chosen to deploy a third-party solution, including front-to-back solutions for daily banking, savings accounts, investments, mortgages, and credits, in order to benefit from the newest technologies.

The bank has hired DynaFin to assist with the implementation and roll-out process.

DynaFin's Strategic Intervention

DynaFin provides comprehensive support to the bank during the implementation and roll-out of the new core banking platform. DynaFin has carried out the following key activities:

Set up Project Methodology and Governance

DynaFin assists the bank in defining the project methodology, establishing a structured approach, and implementing effective governance mechanisms.

Project Management

DynaFin takes responsibility for project management, ensuring that the project is closely monitored, and any concerns addressed. Our consultants also manage the workstreams involved, coordinating the efforts, and ensuring collaboration.

Business Analysis and Testing

DynaFin’s consultants gather and document the requirements. They also ensure that the new platform meets expectations.

Migration Plan

DynaFin documents a detailed migration plan, outlining the steps and procedures required for the transition.

Change Management

DynaFin documents the new processes introduced with the implementation of the core banking platform, develops training materials and conduct training sessions for employees. DynaFin also deploys internal communication strategies.

Aftercare and User Support

DynaFin provides ongoing support to the bank after the migration, addressing any daily issues that arise and assisting users in resolving problems.


With DynaFin support, the bank successfully migrates to its new banking system. The implementation is completed within the agreed-upon timeframe, allowing the bank to take advantage of the enhanced capabilities offered by the new core banking platform. The seamless transition ensures minimal disruption to daily operations, allowing the bank to continue offering products and services to its clients. The bank's improved technological infrastructure positions it for continued growth, improved efficiency, and enhanced customer experience.


Boosting the sales of Insurance products through Technology

A leading insurer has opted to overhaul its non-life insurance product lineup and transitioned to a new Core Insurance Technology Platform for these offerings.

DynaFin's Expertise in Solution Integration

Boosting the sales of Insurance products through Technology


A leading insurer has opted to overhaul its non-life insurance product lineup and transitioned to a new Core Insurance Technology Platform for these offerings. The objective was to offer competitive products and services in the market, accessible 24/7 via both physical and digital channels, while simultaneously boosting sales and operational efficiency. Additionally, the insurer aimed to mitigate operational risks associated with legacy system knowledge loss. 


The company has elected to adopt a robust third-party solution to leverage evolving technology capabilities. To spearhead the implementation and rollout of this substantial change initiative, the insurer has engaged a consulting firm with proven expertise in managing complex programs. 

DynaFin's Strategic Intervention

DynaFin was leading the program renewing the Core Insurance Non-Life products, from a Business Perspective, in strong collaboration with all concerned actors of the company. DynaFin was carrying out the following key activities: 

Set up and animation of a solid governance

DynaFin assisted the bank in defining the project methodology, establishing a structured approach, and implementing effective governance mechanisms.

Design of a realistic Long-Term Roadmap (6 years horizon)

Acceleration of the delivery

DynaFin took responsibility for program management, monitoring, and the continuous improvement of the way of working, installing an Agile framework and facilitating new partnerships, resulting in a slightly accelerated roadmap.

Contribution in the Business Analysis and Testing of the delivered solution.

Change Management

DynaFin ensured the adherence, the internal communication strategies and the training of the users.

Management of the dependency relationship with the key external provider and management of the external contracts.

Preparation and implementation of the transition to RUN modus for the post-program.


Under DynaFin's leadership, the insurance company smoothly transitioned to its new non-life insurance system, completing the implementation within the established timeframe. This seamless migration facilitated effective change management for daily operations, enabling the company to maintain uninterrupted delivery of products and services to its clientele. 


The enhanced technological infrastructure positioned the company for sustained expansion, greater operational efficiency, and an elevated level of customer satisfaction. Moreover, the revamped product portfolio contributed to increased profitability for the non-life products. 
